OpenUtilities Substation Help

Configure ProjectWise Managed WorkSpace to use Catalogs on Network Drive

This procedure details how to configure a ProjectWise Managed Workspace to use catalogs stored on a network drive.

The procedure assumes a Managed Workspace has already been created in a ProjectWise datasource.

  1. Open the ProjectWise Administrator and log into the datasource.
  2. Right-click on the WorkSpaces > Managed > User node. and
  3. Select New > Configuration from the context menu.
  4. Under the General Tab enter NetWorkCatalogs_Citrix_user in the Name field.
  5. Under the Configuration tab, click the Add Variable icon.
  6. In the <New Variable> dialog enter ELEC_CATALOG_PATH in the Name field.
  7. Click the Add button to open the Edit Value dialog.
  8. Assign the following values:
    • Operation type: '=' Assignment
    • Value type: String
    • Value: Enter the network path where the catalogs are stored.
  9. Click OK button to save the changes and close out all dialogs .
  10. Open ProjectWise Explorer and log into the datasource.
  11. Right-click on the DefaultProject folder and select Properties.
  12. In the Work Area Properties dialog, select the WorkSpace tab.
  13. Right-click on the user tab to link the new configuration block.
  14. Next add the same configuration block to any project under the workspace.
  15. Launch OpenUtilities Substation and login to the ProjectWise datasource.
  16. Open the Configuration Variables dialog and make sure the ELEC_CATALOG_PATH variable is pointing to the network drive. This should ensure when you start placing symbols, they are accessing the network catalogs during the placement process.